
Issues with the Data

In spite of the hours we have spent trawling through the data available for the past 20 years (and being driven almost blind and mad!!), we appreciate that this is just a base-line and far from accurate.

What Can You Do?

Rather than cursing and complaining, or feeling ignored and hard done by, you can do something to help us fill in the blanks!!

There is a list below of all the runs that we are missing data for, and realise that the ones we have may well have missed people off, or misread the various moth eaten scrawls of paper.

If you have lists for these, or the time to trawl through the photo's and identify groups then please feel free to send them on.

Or if you just want to concentrate on your own inputs then that is fine, the more data the better!!

There are 3 things that you can do to let us know about the updated information:

1. Complete the form below to send us a note with as much information as possible.
2. Go through the Hare Line and if you find a Run that you were at, but your attendance was not recorded, then simply click the 'Get added to the list' button at the bottom of the page, add your name (or names) and click submit.
3. Click Here to send us an email with your information.

Missing Runs

If anyone has anything for the following runs then please send it on.

1-160, 172a, 174, 180, 183, 187a, 196, 200a, 208, 209a, 214, 217, 223, 237a, 244a, 346-361, 401-407, 410-412, 414-419, 421, 422, 425, 428, 430, 439, 442, 446, 449, 450, 453-457

Educate Us!!

Each time you click submit you send us a message so you can either add multiple run numbers for one or two people, or add multiple names for one run.

Just please make it easy for us to read / understand and don't assume we'll know who you are talking about if you don't use full, or recognised Hash, names.

Your Name
Run Number(s)
Runner Name(s)

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